
Šárka Martínková
embodiment facilitator, holistic cook and inner guide. She is bringing together wisdom of the natural cycles and movement as a pathway to reconnection and serving life with the gifts.

Kasia Stepien
facilitator, embodied educator and environmental activist, passionate about promoting a culture of regeneration in all aspects of life, through nature-based practices, mindfulness and listening.

Jana Stará
caretaker, representative of Dobroti, facilitator and wellness coach. She
stands for everything that does well in life.

Honza Látal
facilitator and ritual designer, interested in archaeology, astronomy and history of religions. His experiential events combine art, spirituality and natural elements

Dori Tomasz & Katka Kultová
Vegangelic cooks who cook with heart and the flow of nature. They are passionate about discovering new tastes and combinations to support people to get back in connection with their bodies and each other.

Honza Sarapatka
caretaker and manager of Ecocentre Louti, interested in local sustainability, usage of the hemp and reconnection back to the natural rituals and way of living.

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